December 19, 2020
Join The Movement- Fitness Classes
#JoinTheMovement is a collaborative effort to combat obesity in our communities and to get our bodies moving all from the comfort of your home! We have partnered with Personal Trainers & Instructors of VRok Fitness to bring these amazing classes to you! Learn more about VRok Fitness at Classes are offered every Tues, Wed, Thurs & Saturday!
Sign up Now! Classes Starting January 19, 2021: Schedule Now | – Health & Weight Loss
For accountability, please sign up for either weekly or monthly classes!
Tuesday– HIP HOP BODY POP (630pm EST)
Wednesday– SUNRISE STRETCH15 (630amEST)/ ZUMBA (645amEST)
Thursday– LEAN UP BOOTCAMP (630pmEST)
Saturday– SMALL GROUP (9amEST)
Please Listen to the personal testimony of the owner of VRok Fitness on how she overcame Obesity & Depression on our podcast, Matters of the Heart & Soul, by clicking this link: